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cryptococcus neoformans中文是什么意思

用"cryptococcus neoformans"造句"cryptococcus neoformans"怎么读"cryptococcus neoformans" in a sentence


  • 新生隐球菌
  • 新型隐球酵母
  • 新型隐球菌, 新型串酵母


  • This is a cryptococcus neoformans meningitis stained with gms to reveal the nuclei
  • This is cryptococcus neoformans infection of the lung . there are numerous organisms that have a large mucoid capsule , giving the appearance of a clear zone around a faint round nucleus
  • Objective : to analyze the factors which affected the synthesis of melanin of of cryptococcus neoformans and the mechanism of c . neoformans preferentially grew in the brains of human and experimental animals
  • The results showed , fh6 and wj belong to rhodotorula mudlaginosa and rhodotorula sp , fj , xh3 , f2 , f1 , fj2 , f8 , fj3 belong to candida guilliermondii , candida parapsilosis , candida tropicalis and candida albicans , w2 belongs to cryptococcus neoformans , fh2 , fh3 , w3 belong to cephalosporium acremonium and cephalosporium sp , fh5 belongs to aspergillus flavus , dh3 belongs to acremonium , fh4 belongs to pleospora . in the last part of this research , elementary animal experiment were processed
    Fh _ 2属于头孢霉属的顶头孢霉, fh _ 3 、 w _ 3属于该属的其它种; fh _ 5属于曲霉属中的黄曲霉群;菌株dh _ 3与acremoniumalternatum关系最近,属于枝顶孢霉属;菌株fh _ 4与pleosporarudis关系最近,初步归入格孢腔菌属。
用"cryptococcus neoformans"造句  


Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated yeast that can live in both plants and animals. Its teleomorph is Filobasidiella neoformans, a filamentous fungus belonging to the class Tremellomycetes.
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